Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Jeeves & Wooster

The British comedy "Jeeves & Wooster" has been around for a long time, but I just recently discovered it and it is hilarious! Hugh Laurie (House) plays Wooster-- and he's a lot more likable in this role. :) The basic plot line is that Bertie Wooster, an aristocratic bachelor who has eccentric family and friends, gets into ridiculous scrapes. His savvy valet, Jeeves, comes up with an equally ridiculous scheme to save the day.
I've checked out one DVD from the library, and I'm planning on seeing the rest of the episodes this summer.
One of my former co-workers also told me about the Jeeves and Wooster alarm clock! When I start getting a real pay-check, this is on my list of goodies to buy. Check out the link here. Every morning "Jeeves" (Stephen Fry) says something funny to wake up to. An alarm kicks in after a couple of minutes in case you're a heavier sleeper.

1 comment:

Rosalie said...

Ha! The clock is awesome. I like the show too - Jake's family introduced me to them. I've only seen a few of them but I agree - they're really funny.
PS You are a great writer - I liked the article about fiction.